
Changing the Landscape: Technology and Story

Living in a world of constant progression, all facets of our day-to-day lives continue to evolve and change. The film world is no different; in fact, the film industry is changing just as rapidly as new technology is released. At the heart of any great film is a great story. Actually, that really is what a great film. Not convinced? Take a moment to listen to Andrew Stanton, writer of Toy Story, Finding Nemo, and WALL-E, share his take on what a great story is:

As timeless as the art of a good story is, the routes taken to achieve this are evolving along with the rest of the film industry. The Sundance Institute, always on the forefront of what is happening in the motion picture world, recently published an article, The Future Is Now: 5 ThingsPushing the Art and Form of Storytelling, which shares the five top ways the art of story is changing:

1.     The Internet
It is no secret that the Internet is changing how we do many things in our lives (be it social media, online bill pay, or even ordering a pizza online). Films, and even television shows, are creating immersive experiences online for their audiences to draw them even further into the story that they are telling.

2.     Canada
Sounds strange right? However, the National Film Board of Canada has been working hard to foster an environment that is primed for the creative development of “artistic, inventive, and socially relevant” storytelling. You may be surprised to find out more movies are shot in Canada than you might think. Below are just a few:
Image Via Huffington Post                                

3.     Games
These days, there are many video games that have really branched out into new territories, turning games into incredible narratives. Many of these stories have even made their way to the big screen, with many more to come in the near future. In fact if you want to see more about games that are on their way to the big screen, check out Denof Geek’s list!

4.     Collaboration
We all know that filmmaking and storytelling is all about collaboration, however, the resources available these days are making that process even easier. There are many unique ways today that creatives are able to pool their resources and work together in relationships that foster a new form of collaboration. Projects like Reinvent Stories and The Wilderness Downtown are two great examples of a new breed of collaboration for storytellers.

5.     The New Virtual Reality
Technology has continued to advance since its creation, and today we have the ability to create virtual realties that are working their way into the storytelling realm. The most unique work that has successfully merged storytelling and virtual reality is Nonny de la Peña’swork that placed viewers in a place to experience issues of hunger in the United States.

Image via Sundance Film Festival
Everyday we are increasingly aware of the changes being made to the world around us through advancements in technology. And while storytelling is quite possibly the oldest art form, it too is continuing to change with the impact of technology. As a young filmmaker, a young screenwriter, be sure to keep up with how your craft is evolving and what new tools are out there that will help you improve that craft!


  1. Rachel, these five points perfectly sum up what is currently happening to this industry. I found the last point to be the most interesting as I had not heard about Nonny de la Peña's work before. This project trancends entertainment, and uses this technology in order to inform people about our current condition as a country. Hunger within the United States is a problem that is easily ignored, but should be dealt with more actively. Overall I think this blog post accurately displays how new trends and technology are effecting this industry. Many people are excited for these new trends and inventions, as am I, but very few stop to look at how it will truly affect things. I'll be keeping an eye on these indicators in the future, thank you!

  2. You've given me a good reason to do some research about what Canada brings to the entertainment world. There is a lot of great information here, and I'm looking forward to entering the rabbit-hole of extra information available by clicking on the links you've meticulously provided.

    This is a very thorough blog post, both informationally, and aesthetically. I have no doubt someone with aptitude to write as well as you do must be plentiful with opinions. I would really like hear about how you feel in regard to the five points you made in this blog post. I'm interested in your opinion about how storytelling has progressed with technology.
